Thursday 5 October 2017

Storyboarding The Action Sequence

In my previous post I stated that I was eager to incorporate each of the problematic scenarios into my action sequence. I have gone ahead and storyboarded the sequence in a way that I feel keeps the audience's interest, I wanted the camera movements to be fast, and directly in the heart of everything. 
One thing I did was drop one of the problems, I decided to get rid of the jumping through hoops idea as I didn't feel that it was adding much to the scene and it was slowing the pace.
I was also taking into consideration the amount of time I actually have with this project, and was thinking of project management and the amount of animating I will have to do.

Below are the scanned in storyboards from my sketchbook
From this I feel I could make a quick pre-vis to give a rough sense of the camera movement and pacing.
As well as this, my next task is to choreograph a dance escape inspired by the warehouse scene in 'Footloose'


  1. Really expressive, Tom - looking forward to the animatic - looks fun :)

    1. Thanks Phil, I think to begin with I am going to make a rough pre-vis, like last time, to try get a better sense of camera movement and the way the camera transitions from one shot to the next. What do you think? :)
